
Impressionist Foam Masterpieces reveal that carpet under-padding has an uncanny resemblance to French Impressionist painting. Expressionist Foam Masterpieces capture the gesture of action paintings. Both series exemplify that twentieth century approaches to painting have become so widely disseminated as to exist solely as iconographic patterns of colour and brush stroke. The work further references that many industrial manufacturing processes of today possess a dual role, creating both art objects and functional materials. These foam pieces also point to the stereotypes and mindsets that pertain to twentieth century art practice. Stereotypically, mass consciousness can probably only account for Impressionism, Cubism, Expressionism, and Pop Art amongst its collective visual reference. It never ceases to amaze, from the vantage point of the contemporary artist, how much present day institutions play into these stereotypes by continuously producing block-buster Impressionism exhibitions as their only worthwhile box-office draw.